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“They may not have a chance at life, but they have every chance at being loved”

Mother of son with anencephaly, 2019

Project Poppyseed

Breaking the silence of perinatal loss.

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Perinatal Loss

Sadly, one in four pregnancies end from miscarriage, stillbirth, life-limiting fetal condition, or neonatal death. Understanding what perinatal loss is and what it means is an important first step in breaking the silence which surrounds it.

Perinatal Grief

Perinatal loss may be an emotionally traumatic experience for parents, families, and communities. Understanding the nature and depth of grief following perinatal loss is important on the journey towards healing.

Our Research

Research plays an important role in breaking the silence of perinatal loss. Project Poppyseed conducts research studies to better understand how to support parents in their grief. Read about past studies or help us by participating in current projects.

Meaning & Memories

No matter how fleeting, each life is important and meaningful. Creating memories can be a very powerful experience for families experiencing perinatal loss.

Raising Awareness

Most people don’t know that one in four pregnancies end in perinatal loss in the United States each year. Not talking about perinatal loss is not going to make it go away. Unfortunately, by not talking about perinatal loss, parents who lose a pregnancy or baby often feel alone and isolated. We must break the silence of perinatal loss. Only when we start talking can the healing begin.

“There’s heartbreak, and tragedy, but I’m a better person for having known her.”

“I don’t think my wife or I would say my wife’s pregnancy was without joy.”

“She’s not less because she’s not going to live as long.”

Let’s break the silence of perinatal loss together

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