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Understanding Your Loss

There are no road maps to guide parents through perinatal loss. Each individual’s journey is uniquely their own. Parents often have questions about their loss experinece, such as “why did this happen” and “could I have prevented this.” Parents often feel along in their loss experience and their grief. Above are some resources to help parents understand perinatal loss and how they can heal in their grief.

Understanding Your Body

Unfortunately, the body does not know when a baby does not survive. The physical changes of pregnancy may be very difficult and emotional to experience. Understanding what the body is doing and why may be helpful in experiencing physical changes such as hormones, bleeding, or lactation.

Understanding Your Needs

Knowing what you need after perinatal loss is not intuitive. You may not know how to respond to those who ask you, “what do you need,” or “how can I help.” Those who love you often do not know what you need either. The links below offer suggestions of how you can have others support you, as well as how you can respond to those whose kind intentions may not be helpful.

Helping Children Understand

Helping surviving siblings cope with loss is no easy task. Many parents struggle to know what to say and how to help their living children.

Understanding Your Partner’s Grief

No two people grieve the same way. How we grieve is influences by our gender, culture, childhood, and social upbringing. Coping with perinatal loss can be especially difficult if your partner greives differently than you. Your partner can be a special source of strength in healing from perinatal loss. Healing as a couple requires effort, compassion, and understanding one another. Click on the link below for resources in fostering a relationship of healing.